Transport weekend/adoption days weekend is upon us. Dave took Hugo the basset to the vet this morning to be micro chipped before he gets adopted out tomorrow. Turns out he already has 2 chips!!! Then he did the transport pick up for me so I could stay in bed and sleep/hide from the world. The Doxie he picked up is a scared but sweet mill dog. She will be going to Dennis' tomorrow.
Tomorrow Hugo's adopters are coming around noon, then it's off the Waterloo Petsmart with Chopper and maybe a puppy to show them off. Then run Lucy the mill Doxie to Grundy Center to meet up with Dennis.
Tonight 3 of the 7 kittens in the basement went to a new foster home, I'm so super excited about that. It will make it a little more manageable around here. And 2 or the 3 pups we took on Thursday already have approved apps and they can go to their new homes on Wednesday. They are so cute and fun to watch. But SO LOUD! :)